ServiceMax Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Water Heaters’

Signs You May Need to Replace Your Water Heater

Monday, August 10th, 2015

Modern water heater manufacturers construct their products to last. But of course they cannot make them invincible: no mechanical device can endure forever, and wear and tear will eventually lead to the need to replace it. The water heater that delivers hot water to the taps and appliances in your home—from showerheads to washing machines—will at some point need a professional to remove it and put a new system in its place.

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Water Heater Replacement Product Alert

Friday, February 6th, 2015

If you’re thinking about replacing your water heater in the next five years, you really should act in the next 60 days!

New Department of Energy water heater efficiency regulations will force manufacturers of gas, electric or oil fired water heaters to increase their efficiency by April 2015. These changes will have an impact on how water heaters are designed, manufactured, tested and installed. And this will ultimately cost consumers more in equipment and installation costs. Also, since the new water heaters will be larger, they may need to be relocated along with your existing heating equipment.

If your water heater is over 10 years old, it’s about time to change it. You could wait, but if you do, after April 15, 2015, that newly manufactured water heater will have to meet those new, more costly standards… and it will cost you more.

Besides replacing your existing water heater with a similar unit you can choose to upgrade to a tankless water heater. You’ll save energy dollars because it only heats the water when you open up a faucet. It doesn’t store water and constantly heat it waiting for you to use it.

Let the trusted experts at Malek Heating & Cooling help you to make the right decision about your new water heater. But you need to act quickly… there’s less than 90 days before the new rules take effect. After April 15, we’ll be installing the new water heaters at the new, higher cost. Call us or contact us online to schedule service today!


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Tank vs. Tankless Water Heaters: Some Pros and Cons

Monday, July 21st, 2014

You want to get the best performance that your water heater can possibly offer, right? Well, if you are looking for complete satisfaction from your water heater, you need more than just a great system. You must also ensure that you are using the type of water heater that best suits your needs and usage preferences. That is tougher than it may sound, considering how many options are available today. We are going to discuss some pros and cons of two of the most popular water heater options: tank and tankless models. If you have any further questions regarding water heaters in Chicago, IL, or if you are ready to schedule any water heater services, just call the pros at Malek Heating & Cooling.

When most people envision a water heater, they probably think of the tank models that so many of us grew up with. These do tend to be the most popular of all water heaters even today, despite a few drawbacks. These systems maintain a reservoir of heated water at all times. Due to heat transfer from the tank to the air outside of it, some energy loss is inevitable with such systems. Today’s tanks are more efficient than ever, though, and you can also add insulating jackets to water heater tanks in order to boost efficiency even more. The fact remains, though, that your system will need to continually heat that water to some degree as heat is lost. The major benefit, though, is that there is always a ready supply of hot water.

Tankless water heaters, as you’ve probably guessed, do not use storage tanks. Instead, they heat water on demand, as it is called for at different points of use. This is great for increasing energy efficiency and eliminating heat loss. However, it does take a moment for the water to heat up, and such systems can be overwhelmed if hot water is called for at different areas throughout the house. You can supplement your water heater with additional units, but this is a bit of a costly endeavor.

Ultimately, there is no such thing as the perfect water heater. There is one that is best suited for your needs and preferences, though, and we aim to help you find it. Give us a call today to learn more about available water heaters in Skokie, IL.

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