ServiceMax Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning Repair’

Noises You Don’t Want to Hear from Your AC

Monday, June 10th, 2024

Is that your air conditioner making that noise? Oh, dear. What are you going to do about it? Ignore it, you say? Hope it goes away? Don’t do that! Your air conditioner doesn’t have many ways to let you know that something is wrong. When it does make a strange noise, you really need to listen. 

Getting AC repairs done as promptly as possible will prevent a minor issue from turning into a major one or even causing your air conditioner to break down completely. The noise you’re hearing is the first warning sign, so heed it!

What could it mean when your air conditioner makes a strange noise? What kind of repairs might you need? We’ve got some information for you.

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4 Signs to Know for When Your AC Needs Repairs

Monday, April 3rd, 2023

Can you believe it won’t be long before you’re using your air conditioner again? Before the cooling season starts, it might be helpful to have some more information about keeping your air conditioner happy. You definitely don’t want it to break down just when you need it the most! Noticing a problem early can mean a quick, simple repair, while failing to notice a problem or allowing a struggling air conditioner to keep running without repair can mean doing more damage and having your AC unit completely stop working.

What are the most important things to watch out for, so you can get your air conditioner repaired promptly? Here are four signs you might spot.

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Does Refrigerant Get Used Up?

Monday, August 8th, 2022

Each part of your air conditioner is highly important to the cooling process. But there is one part of the system that is more often misunderstood than the rest and that is the refrigerant. The refrigerant in your AC is vital to the process of cooling the air.

Here’s the thing that you need to know to start things off. Refrigerant doesn’t dissipate over time. It isn’t used up the way fuel is. That is why if you start to have trouble with low refrigerant levels, you need to reach out to a professional to address the problem.

Here is what you need to know about what causes refrigerant loss and why it requires air conditioning repair in Winnetka, IL.

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7 Sounds That Spell Trouble for Your Air Conditioner

Monday, September 21st, 2020

shocked-by-loud-noiseWhen it comes to your air conditioning system, the only sounds you really want to hear are going to be the whoosh of air blowing into your home and the hum of the motors and the drip of condensate moisture. Aside from this, additional noises should be treated as what they are: likely signs of trouble in your AC system.

If you start hearing troublesome sounds from your cooling system, it is likely that you need to schedule air conditioning repair in Skokie, IL. Here are some of the warning sounds you should be on the alert for.

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Does Your Air Conditioner Need Help?

Monday, June 1st, 2020

spinning-fan-closeupIt is so wonderful to be able to enjoy multiple days of warmth and sunshine in a row after a winter that felt like it might never end. With that said, it is not as easy to enjoy this weather if you have no reprieve from it. Even the biggest sun-worshipper eventually needs a way to cool off, but when you need air conditioning repair in Winnetka this is easier said than done.

The good news is that you aren’t alone when it comes to dealing with this issue–we can help. The professional technicians on our team will arrive at your home ready to diagnose and fix whatever the problem with your unit is while keeping you and your home safe from start to finish.

The first step to getting this done is to figure out if you need a repair service for your cooling system. Check out these indicators to see if any sound familiar.

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Why the Compressor in Your AC Is Crucial

Monday, September 9th, 2019

air-conditioners-on-slabsAll the components in your home’s AC are important. If one or more isn’t working correctly, it affects system performance.

  • A miscalibrated thermostat causes improper cooling.
  • A frozen evaporator coil reduces how much heat the AC can absorb.
  • A broken fan motor stops air circulation.

The compressor, however, has special importance. Think of it as the engine for the entire air conditioner. It consumes the most power, and if it doesn’t work, the air conditioner cannot do its job. Period. Plus, the compressor costs more to replace than other components, so a failed compressor is a Very Big Deal.

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How Long Should My AC Stay Running?

Monday, August 26th, 2019

spinning-fan-closeupOne of the most common reasons customers call our HVAC technicians for air conditioning repair in Chicago, IL is when they have an AC that’s turning on and off almost constantly over a short time. This is known as short-cycling, and there are many different potential causes:

  • A clogged air filter
  • Undercharge of refrigerant due to leaks
  • Leaks in the ventilation system
  • AC is too powerful for the space
  • Dirty or iced-up refrigerant coils

Short-cycling is both a symptom of a problem and a problem on its own since it significantly increases the workload on the air conditioner. Parts wear down faster, cooling bills rise, and the system will end up needing an early replacement.

But how long should an air conditioner’s cooling cycle last? Understanding this is important so you can know when you’ve got an AC that’s short-cycling.

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The Midsummer Stress on Your AC Can Mean Trouble

Monday, July 29th, 2019

thermometer-going-redThe peak heat of the summer season means some pretty tough days when you’re outside. When you’re in your house with your dependable air conditioning system, it’s much different. The AC sends around cool air to the rooms and maintains a pleasantly cool and comfortable environment.

But your air conditioning system has to do a large amount of work to keep your house at a comfortable temperature when the heat outside is so intense. More heat outdoors means heat moves faster inside your house, and the AC must run for longer periods to keep the temperature at the setting you want. This is why we recommend keeping the thermostat setting as high as you find comfortable, since the smaller the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, the slower heat moves indoors.

But no matter how you set your thermostat, your central AC is under a great deal of work stress at this time of year—and this may lead to problems requiring air conditioning service in Chicago, IL.

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What Is a “Hard-Starting AC” and What Can I Do About It?

Monday, July 1st, 2019

You’ve probably experienced a car that has trouble getting started on a chilly winter day. The engine grinds, but it takes a few times before it turns over. This is an example of “hard starting.” It can happen to any type of machinery that uses motors, no matter if it’s powered by natural gas, petroleum, or electricity.

Hard starting is a problem you might encounter with your air conditioning system. Although a hard-starting AC can continue to work at providing cool air to a house, it’s not good for the system, it drains excess power, and it can eventually deal a fatal blow to the air conditioner. A hard-starting AC will make noises at startup and have trouble at how fast it can cool down the house.

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AC Problems You Want Fixed Before It Gets Hotter

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

thermometer-going-redIf you’ve lived in Chicago for even a year, you know the summers can be tough to beat unless you have a solid AC system in your home.

So now is the time to ask yourself if your AC system is solid. Is it showing indications that it’s wearing down or has a malfunction? Right now, in the last stretch of milder weather before summer gets underway, is the right time to arrange for repairs for your air conditioning in Oak Park, IL. Below we’ve put together a list of a few AC issues to have fixed in these last days of spring.

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