ServiceMax Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Repair’

AC Odors? Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

Monday, June 24th, 2024

This is a very simple truth: your air conditioner should not smell like anything. AC odors are not normal, and if you ever detect any type of odor from your AC, that is a sign of a problem which most likely requires repair.

Why would an air conditioner start to smell? What might it smell like? What could be wrong? We’ve got some answers for you.

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Prompt AC Repair Will Save You Money

Monday, April 15th, 2024

When your air conditioner is behaving oddly or causing you concern, how urgent is it to get it repaired right away? In some cases, you have a genuine emergency on your hands, particularly if your AC won’t work at all—or you have to turn it off to stop something terrible like water damage—in the middle of a heat wave.

But when the situation isn’t quite that bad, how do you decide whether to get repairs right away or wait and see? Is it ever safe to postpone AC repair? Our recommendation is that all air conditioner concerns deserve prompt attention. It can save you a lot of time and money! Here’s how.

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Leaky AC? Here’s What That Means

Monday, May 15th, 2023

Oh, no! What’s going on with your air conditioner? Do you hear that trickling, dripping sound? Water is dripping out of the air conditioner! What could possibly be wrong? And how can you get it to stop?

Water leaks from an AC unit are a fairly common problem. We’ll give you the rundown on how they happen and what to do about it.

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Never-Stopping AC? Here’s What That Means

Monday, March 20th, 2023

Think back to last summer for a moment. How did your AC perform? Did it exceed expectations or was it struggling to get by? Asking questions like these now can help you be prepared or get prepared for the coming summer.

We’re going to address a common issue that some homeowners may have brushed off last season which really shouldn’t be ignored: irregular AC cycles. Here’s what you need to know about what is and isn’t normal for your AC cycles so you know when to reach out for an AC repair.

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Do You Need Maintenance or Repairs for Your AC?

Monday, April 4th, 2022

Let us be clear about something: if you haven’t gotten a maintenance appointment scheduled for your air conditioner yet, you definitely need to have the system maintained ASAP. This is a necessary service to keep your system running at its best for as long as possible.

The question remains whether or not you need some extra work for your system. If you are wondering whether to schedule maintenance or an AC repair in Evanston, IL, you can count on us to help you figure it out.

Let’s look at some of the indicators you can check for so that you know when to contact us for service, and what service you may want to ask about.

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5 Signs Your Air Conditioner Is in Trouble

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

You rely on your air conditioner to keep you cool throughout the worst heat waves in the summertime. However, it works the other way too: your air conditioner relies on you to keep it running effectively and efficiently. Part of this means that it is up to you to figure out if something is wrong with the system and reach out for AC repair in Glenview, IL if there is a problem.

So how are you supposed to figure out when something is wrong with your air conditioner? After all, unless you are a professional technician like us, you probably haven’t spent much time studying the way that your system works. Not to worry, because we’re here to provide your repairs. All you have to do is keep on the alert for any warning signs like the ones we’ve listed below so you can schedule repairs in a timely manner.

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