How Long Can I Expect My Home’s Boiler to Last?

July 24th, 2023

It can be a total nightmare when a major appliance unexpectedly needs to be replaced. That’s especially true for heating systems and air conditioners if they break down during the season when you need them the most. The best way to avoid being caught off guard by your boiler needing replacement is to know how long a lifespan to expect. How long do boilers last? 

The general answer is that boilers are quite a long-lasting type of heating system. But in order to give you a clearer estimate of what to expect from yours, we’ll go over some specifics.

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Even If You Have Ducts, You Can Still Find Uses for a Ductless Mini Split

July 10th, 2023

It’s been around fifty years since new homes in the US started to be built with ductwork as one of the standard home systems. This was when central air conditioning started to be very popular. So unless you live in a home that’s more than half a century old, chances are good that your house has ductwork. So why would you want to know about ductless HVAC systems?

There are some major advantages to ductless systems, and one of them is that their versatility means you might want one even if you have ductwork. We’ll explain some situations that would be perfect for a ductless system even in a home with ducts.

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The Hard Starting AC—What It Means and What to Do About It

June 26th, 2023

The one thing you want to make sure of when it comes to your air conditioner is that you don’t let anything bad happen to your compressor. It’s the most vital part of the system, and it’s the most expensive component. Like a car’s transmission, when your AC compressor fails, it might just be time to get a new air conditioner. So you should always try to catch problems early if they might put strain on the compressor.

One AC problem that can indicate compressor issues, and can also cause damage to the compressor if it’s allowed to continue, is hard starting. Here are some details to help you catch this problem when it starts so you can get repairs before you end up needing to replace your air conditioner.

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Important Facts to Know About Your AC’s Service Life Expectancy

June 12th, 2023

When it comes to an important system like your air conditioner, you don’t want to be caught by surprise by a sudden need to replace it. While no one can tell you the exact day on which your AC unit will completely cease to function, there are some ways to get a pretty good idea. Here are the most important things to keep in mind when considering how long you should expect your air conditioner to keep working. 

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Leaky AC? Here’s What That Means

May 15th, 2023

Oh, no! What’s going on with your air conditioner? Do you hear that trickling, dripping sound? Water is dripping out of the air conditioner! What could possibly be wrong? And how can you get it to stop?

Water leaks from an AC unit are a fairly common problem. We’ll give you the rundown on how they happen and what to do about it.

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What to Expect From a Mini Split AC

May 1st, 2023

If you’ve heard of ductless air conditioning options and aren’t sure exactly what benefits they offer, we’ve got some information for you. Ductless mini splits can be used in a wide variety of situations and are becoming popular for some good reasons. Here are some of the things you can expect to enjoy when you decide to go ductless and get a mini split air conditioning system for your home.

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Signs You’ve Got a Damaged Electrical Panel

April 17th, 2023

Your electrical panel is like a traffic conductor. It takes all the electrical current that comes to your home and makes sure it is sent to the correct locations. These days, even though most of us have circuit breaker panels, electricity usage is rising to the point where they often need to be upgraded to accommodate a higher flow of electricity. (And if you have a fuse box instead of a circuit breaker panel, it definitely needs an upgrade!)

Sometimes, the need for electrical work doesn’t come from wanting to upgrade to a bigger or newer system. Sometimes, electrical panels are actually damaged. This requires an electrician immediately to avoid power outages and fire hazards. How can you tell if that’s what you’re dealing with? Here are some of the key signs.

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4 Signs to Know for When Your AC Needs Repairs

April 3rd, 2023

Can you believe it won’t be long before you’re using your air conditioner again? Before the cooling season starts, it might be helpful to have some more information about keeping your air conditioner happy. You definitely don’t want it to break down just when you need it the most! Noticing a problem early can mean a quick, simple repair, while failing to notice a problem or allowing a struggling air conditioner to keep running without repair can mean doing more damage and having your AC unit completely stop working.

What are the most important things to watch out for, so you can get your air conditioner repaired promptly? Here are four signs you might spot.

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Never-Stopping AC? Here’s What That Means

March 20th, 2023

Think back to last summer for a moment. How did your AC perform? Did it exceed expectations or was it struggling to get by? Asking questions like these now can help you be prepared or get prepared for the coming summer.

We’re going to address a common issue that some homeowners may have brushed off last season which really shouldn’t be ignored: irregular AC cycles. Here’s what you need to know about what is and isn’t normal for your AC cycles so you know when to reach out for an AC repair.

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Is Your Boiler at Its End?

March 6th, 2023

Your boiler is a vital and powerful part of your radiant heating system. Without it, you wouldn’t get any heat in your home unless you got a completely new kind of heating system.

With this in mind, it is important to remember that, powerful though it may be, a boiler won’t last forever. If you’ve had your boiler system for a long time already, you may be starting to ask yourself, “How long does a boiler last?” It is a good question to ask if only so you can plan ahead.

Here’s what you should know about your boiler’s lifespan and how to tell it is ready to be replaced.

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