Although boilers are not as common residential heating systems as furnaces, they are still popular, and many homes today enjoy the even warmth and energy-saving performance of the hydronic heating from boilers.
Do Boilers Also Need Heating Maintenance Every Year?
October 26th, 2015Why You Should Consider Installing a Whole-House Humidifier for Winter
October 19th, 2015Temperatures are falling as we move deeper into the fall and closer to winter. Now is the time to prepare our homes and heating systems for the rigors of another Skokie, IL cold season. That means you should have professional heating maintenance scheduled (if you haven’t done so already) and take care of replacing old heaters if they are no longer working well.
Furnaces vs. Boilers: What Is the Best Choice for a New Home?
October 12th, 2015The type of heating system put into a home is often limited by the home’s construction. For example, a house that has a ventilation network of ducts in the walls and floors will benefit from having a forced-air system (such as a furnace or heat pump) that attaches to ductwork. In homes that lack ductwork, a boiler is often an excellent choice for heat distribution.
I’ve Got a Busy Fall: Can I Skip Heating Maintenance This Year?
October 5th, 2015We understand that the fall season can often be one of the busiest times of the year. It hardly seems like the summer has ended before planning for Halloween and Thanksgiving and visiting relatives and kids going to school start consuming all the days of the calendar. With all that’s going on, do you really need to worry about one more thing like scheduling heating maintenance? Why not put it off until next year?
We Have Some Tips for How You Can Prepare for the Heating Season
September 28th, 2015September is almost over, and that means the cold weather is not far off. This is the start of what we in the HVAC industry call the heating season, when furnaces and boilers come on to keep the chill at bay.
Is It Too Early to Arrange for Maintenance for My Heater?
September 21st, 2015We’re still enjoying warm weather here in Skokie. But of course, that won’t last forever as winter start to move closer. If you’re thinking that it’s perhaps a good time to schedule that annual maintenance for your furnace or other heating system, only to then back away from the idea because it seems a bit too early, we’re here to tell you that your first instinct is 100% correct. Once September arrives, there is no such thing to “too early” when it comes to heating maintenance.
Why Is This Room Hotter Than the Others? Is It the Air Conditioning System?
September 14th, 2015We’re still dealing with warm temperatures here in Chicagoland, and can expect them to keep up for a few more weeks before the time comes to start firing up our furnaces or other heating systems. The stress on your air conditioner during the last few months is often enough to lead to a malfunction that will affect your household’s comfort. One of the warning signs that this is happening is when you discover a room in the house that feels hotter and stuffier than the others.
Does My Water Heater Really Need Maintenance Every Year?
September 7th, 2015The philosophy “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” can lead to people picking up bad habits about important appliances in their homes. For example, the water heater: if you don’t notice anything outwardly wrong with the device that supplies hot water to your household, you may think you have no reason at all to call for a professional to look at it. After all, it’s not broken, is it?
Watch Out for Air Conditioner Capacitor Problems!
August 31st, 2015In our last post, we discussed some issues your air conditioning system might face at the close of the summer. It’s always a smart idea to see to any repairs your air conditioner may need right away, even as the weather begins to cool off. You may still need the AC to work for you in September, and the earlier you have any fixes done, the less expensive they are likely to be.
A Few Air Conditioning Problems to Watch for at the End of the Summer
August 24th, 2015Summer is coming to an end, although we can still expect some lingering heat through the early autumn. The air conditioning system in your home has probably spent most of this last season working hard, and all that stress and wear could possibly cause the system to break down. During these final weeks of hot weather, make sure that you pay close attention to some of the warning signs that your AC is having trouble. (And don’t wait to have any problems fixed in the spring! The sooner repairs are done, the less expensive they will be.)