Tips for Keeping Your AC Healthy Through the End of Summer

August 22nd, 2016

Air conditioning systems perform the most work during the tail end of summer. Temperatures are still high during August, often hotter than they were in July, and the air conditioner already has a large amount of stress accumulated from steady work since May. As the end of summer approaches, we recommend that you takes steps to help your home’s air conditioner continue to work at its best and avoid malfunctions—even breakdowns.

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Why Do I Need Generator Maintenance?

August 15th, 2016

We’re still enjoying the summer weather, but now is also a good time to think ahead toward the end of the year and period when you may need to rely on your whole-house generator in case of an extended power outage. Sometime during the next few weeks is an excellent period to arrange for your annual generator maintenance.

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Worried Your AC Won’t Make It to the End of Summer? Here’s What You Can Do

August 8th, 2016

It’s August, which means the end of summer is still more than a month away and your air conditioner has already undergone a great deal of stress. If you have concerns that your AC system might break down before the cool weather arrives in fall, there are a number steps you can take that will help. Some are simple, others more complex. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

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Fixing a Hard-Starting Compressor in an Air Conditioner

August 1st, 2016

The hardest-working part of your air conditioning system is the compressor. You’re probably familiar with the sound it makes—it’s the whirring noise that you hear each time the AC starts the cooling cycle—and it’s essential for providing the comfortable environment in your home during hot days. The compressor is a pump that places refrigerant under pressure to turn it into a hot gas so it will circulate through the system, moving heat from the inside to the outside. Basically, if you don’t have a working compressor, you don’t have an air conditioner.

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A Few Warning Signs of Water Heater Repair

July 25th, 2016

Even when it’s the hottest time of the year, you’ll still need one important heating device working around the clock in your house: the water heater. Hot water is necessary for cooking, cleaning, showering, and bathing, and you need to see that you act quickly when your water heater needs to have repairs.

Some of the warning signs of water heater trouble are obvious, like a complete loss of hot water. But you want to catch early warning signs so you can get to the problem repaired before your hot water supply is in jeopardy. Below are a few of the more common indications that a water heater needs repairs.

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Hot Weather and Its Effect on Your Air Conditioning System

July 18th, 2016

When the temperatures climb in mid-summer, air conditioners take on an extra workload to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures. You know that the longer you run your air conditioner, the higher your electric bill. But are there other effects that hot weather has on your AC? Let’s take a more detailed look at Hot Weather vs. Air Conditioners.

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Did You Know? Some Interesting Facts about Air Conditioning History

July 11th, 2016

Residential air conditioning is so common now that it’s easy to take it for granted, or think that there isn’t anything interesting about the unit the keeps your home comfortable during the summer days and nights. However, the electro-mechanical air conditioner has been around for more than a hundred and ten years now, and it’s racked up some interesting stories during that time. Below we’ve listed a few of the more intriguing pieces of AC history and the ways that it changed the country.

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Is There a “Hot Room” in Your House? It Could Be an AC Problem

July 4th, 2016

Proper air conditioning for a home is about more than having a cooling system that blows out a sufficient quantity of cold air. That conditioned air must receive even distribution throughout the house via the ventilation system. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a house where some rooms are comfortable, while others are uncomfortably hot.

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Benefits of Installing a Whole-House Dehumidifier

June 27th, 2016

As the temperature heats up now that summer is here, you can expect to run your air conditioner far more frequently. But high heat isn’t the only enemy of comfort during the summer. High humidity is also a serious problem. Because of the extra moisture in the air when relative humidity rises above 60%, it becomes harder for the human body to release heat through the skin by evaporating sweat. So even though high humidity doesn’t raise the temperature around you, the air will feel much hotter because extra heat is trapped inside your body.

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Air Conditioning Tips for When You Hold a Party

June 20th, 2016

The air conditioning systems installed for homes are designed to handle the comfort needs of a small number of people. If the AC in your house received a proper professional installation, it will be matched to the comfort requirements of your family so that it can perform efficiently for energy savings throughout the summer.

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