What Size of Generator Does My Home Need?

April 8th, 2019

emergency-home-generatorSpring is always a good time to make big plans regarding your HVAC and electrical needs for your house. As the weather becomes warmer, you’ll have a nice window of opportunity where you won’t be dealing with temperature extremes. You can schedule updates and upgrades to your heating and cooling systems. Another job you can take care of is to install that whole-house generator you keep meaning to get.

However, arranging for the installation of a whole-house generator in Chicago, IL isn’t as simple as pointing toward a unit and saying, “Let’s go with that one!” You have to make a few important decisions, such as what size (i.e. how powerful) a generator you need.

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Regularly Change CO and Smoke Detector Batteries

March 25th, 2019


Any home that uses natural gas to power its appliances, from the heating system to the stove and range in the kitchen, must have carbon monoxide detectors installed strategically in different rooms. And all homes, regardless of what type of energy they use, need to have smoke detectors to alert the family in case a fire starts. It’s common today for most detectors to have both smoke detection and carbon detection abilities. If you don’t have proper detectors in place or need help finding the right places to have them installed, an electrician in Chicagoland can help you. Our electricians are experts at hardwiring smoke and CO detectors into homes to provide the best defense in case of carbon monoxide leaks and fires.

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As Winter Winds Down, Think About What Your Boiler May Need

March 11th, 2019

The official first day of spring never means anything solid in Chicago. Cold days can continue to strike us through April. But we are definitely in the last part of the winter, and it’s at this time you are most likely to run into trouble with your central heating system. The heater has been doing an immense amount of work, especially during this extremely brutal winter, and all that strain may easily lead to a breakdown or a significant malfunction.

If you use a hydronic boiler for comfort in your house, here are a few things to consider that your boiler may need.

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Boilers Don’t Really Boil and Other Boiler Facts

February 25th, 2019

boiler-on-wallThe boiler is one of the basic central home heating systems, competing with the furnace and the heat pump for the best way to deliver whole-house comfort. We have extensive experience working with boilers, from new installations to repairs of just about any type. We’d like to share some of our boiler knowledge with you to help you understand a few basic, but often misunderstood, facts about these heating systems.

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Giving Serious Thought to a Whole-House Generator? We Can Help!

February 11th, 2019

generator-residentialThe recent polar vortex dropped Chicagoland into an extreme deep freeze, bottoming out the temperature at a record-breaking low. We hope you and your family made it through this intense weather—you’ve probably never loved your home heating system as much as you did during this time!

Now that the freeze of the vortex has passed, you may be thinking about what might have happened if the power went out in your home during the extreme cold. It’s not a pleasant thought. In fact, it’s bit terrifying. Unfortunately, extreme weather conditions are when power outages are most likely. During this warmer stretch of weather, you might be giving serious thought to having your home’s electrical power protected with a whole-house generator. This is great planning, and we offer professional services to install a whole-house generator in Wilmette, IL or elsewhere in Chicagoland. Don’t hesitate to call us to ask for more information.

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Why Many Homeowners Love Radiant Heating

January 28th, 2019

floor-heating-installationWe provide many heating services to our customers in the Chicagoland area, from handling furnace repairs to installing ductless mini split heat pumps. One service that continues to grow in popularity is fitting out homes with radiant heating systems that use in-floor tubing to provide heat. Radiant heating systems are becoming top choices for new home construction and even more retrofits.

But why? Why have many homeowners found that radiant heating was exactly what they wanted?

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Too Many Clogs to Start the Year? We Have the Answer!

January 14th, 2019

drain-in-metal-sink-waterDecember is a rough part of the year for the plumbing in a home. It’s the season of guests and feasts. You may start off January with drains that have gone through far too much and are now creating regular clogs or slow drainage. If you’re trying your best to get a fresh start on 2019 and dig into those resolutions, clogged drains can put a damper on things quick. You may be able to get the clogs out with a plunger or a basic drain snake (please don’t use chemical cleaners), but there’s a much better answer.

Professional drain cleaning!

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Common Misunderstandings About Gas Furnaces

December 31st, 2018

furnace-burners-smallThe gas furnace is the heating system found in more homes across the country than any other. In areas with harsh winters, a gas furnace has the power to overcome the coldest days without running up the enormous bills an electric furnace would. And a gas furnace can deliver warmth faster than electric heating systems.

But despite their popularity, gas furnaces have a large number of myths and misunderstandings surrounding them. We’d like to shine a spotlight on a few of these and tell you the truth. That way you’ll get the most out of your home’s gas furnace.

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The Truth About Power Surges and Surge Protection

December 17th, 2018

lightning-boltHomes have more precision electrical equipment in them than ever before. You probably have multiple devices connected to the power supply at any time, with many power charging stations handling your portable devices. What is the best way to protect them in case of a power surge? It’s important to know this, because a voltage spike can cause irreparable damage to complex electrical equipment.

“I’m not worried! I’ve got the power strips in place at the outlets all over the house!”

If this is your answer … well, we have to talk a bit more about power surges and what you have to do protect equipment from them.

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Boiler Problems: Time to Repair or Replace?

December 3rd, 2018

boiler-residentialWe all have been there: do I buy a new car, or do I spend the money to fix the one I own? Do I buy the latest cellphone, or do I get the broken screen fixed on mine? Well, you should be asking yourself these questions when it comes to your boiler, too.

We know it can be a daunting task. Deciding where to put your money can be stressful, but we are here to help! Scheduling a visit from one of our friendly technicians can help you make the right choice for your home.

In the meantime, we have provided a few hints about what your boiler might be telling you:

The lifespan of a boiler is typically between 15 and 20 years. However, the actual lifespan of your boiler depends on the type of boiler you own, the size, and if it is regularly maintained.

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