ServiceMax Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

5 Items To Add to Your Wishlist for Your Home

Monday, December 6th, 2021

It’s the time of the year when kids are getting out their pens and paper to build their holiday wishlists. Why can’t adults join in the fun? We realize that wishing for new furniture or a better keyboard for your computer doesn’t exactly have the same impact as wishing for a new toy, but it can still be fun to participate.

In fact, we decided to get into the spirit too. We are home comfort pros first and foremost and we want to make sure that you aren’t left wishing you have a more comfortable indoor environment this year. That’s why we’ve put together a small “wishlist” that you should check out.

Here are some great ideas of things to add to your wishlist that will help your home. And you can go ahead and call us Santa because we are here to provide!

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You May Be Thankful for a Heater Upgrade If…

Monday, November 8th, 2021

It is the time of year when your heater has become one of the most important parts of your home. Imagine trying to get through the coming months without any reliable sources of warmth in the home. It would certainly make the days and nights feel longer and more uncomfortable. Don’t make things harder than they need to be by trying to battle with a broken-down heater.

Rather than fighting to keep warm this season, why not upgrade your system for heating in Skokie, IL? Upgrades may be a big investment, but they are an investment that ends up paying you back thanks to the comfort and energy savings they provide. Let’s look at why you might want to consider a heater upgrade now before things get colder.

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Heater Maintenance Can Save You From These Problems

Monday, September 20th, 2021

Temperatures are beginning to drop and the leaves have started to change color. That little chill in the air indicates a big change is on the way. We are moving away from focusing on staying cool and Instead opting into cozy sweaters and hot drinks to help keep us warm. That’s right, it’s the heating season which means it is time to make sure your system is prepared for the job to come.

Before you get wrapped up pulling out decorations, we want to take a moment to discuss why it is important to maintain your heating system—before it gives you an unpleasant surprise. Maintenance is a service that helps prepare your heater for the work it has to do and ensures it is up to the task on even the coldest days.

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5 Indicators Your Boiler Is On the Fritz

Sunday, April 4th, 2021

hands-over-a-radiatorIf you have a boiler heater in your home, it makes sense that you’d want to keep it working properly. These systems are incredibly powerful sources of radiant heat that can be used to keep your home comfortable and warm on the coldest of days. But what do you do when your boiler just…doesn’t seem like it wants to work right?

A malfunctioning boiler is one that will need a boiler repair in Chicago, IL. The sooner this task is taken care of, the better for your system and your home comfort. Trust us, you don’t want to have to get this system replaced early!

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What You Should Know About Boilers

Monday, March 8th, 2021

clean-fresh-warmAre you ready to have a heating system in your home that will provide you with a different kind of warmth? If you were looking for something different than a forced-air system, a boiler may be just what you need. These are radiant heating systems that offer powerful and reliable heat throughout the coldest parts of the year.

If you are considering a boiler installation in Chicago, IL, it is a good idea to learn a bit more about what boilers do and how to determine if they are the best fit for your heating needs.

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Those Noises Signal You Need Heating Repairs

Monday, February 8th, 2021

shocked-by-loud-noiseYou are settling in for the night while the wind is blowing hard outside. It is nice to know that you can be warm and comfortable indoors during wintertime–especially when the weather gets nasty like this–and it’s all thanks to your heater.

But you have a problem. Your heater is starting to make enough noise to rival the sound of the wind. Why is your system becoming so noisy? Is it a cause for concern?

The truth is that a noisy heater is one that likely needs a professional heating repair in Niles, IL. If you need help with your heating system, you can rest assured we are here to help.

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3 Ways to Ensure Your Home Energy Efficiency

Monday, January 11th, 2021

green-homeWinter is far from over even if the holiday season is done. We have months to go before the cold temperatures around here give way to some form of warmth. This means we will still be relying on our heaters for a good long while. And running your heating system day in and day out can add up if you aren’t careful.

When we talk about the efficiency of your Niles, IL HVAC system, it isn’t just because it’s good for the environment to use less—it’s good for your wallet too. We want you to enjoy great efficiency and comfort in your home. Here are some ways to help you do just that.

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Enjoy a Safe, Fun & Comfortable Holiday Season With These Tips

Monday, December 14th, 2020

The holidays are right around the corner (or have already started for anyone celebrating Hanukkah) which means most of us are deep into preparations. The decorations are up, meals are planned, and family traditions are gearing up too. It has been a rough and awkward year for everyone, so it is important that we can celebrate this season with as much normalcy as possible. And normalcy does not include a faulty heater!

You deserve to enjoy a safe and comfortable holiday season, and we can help you do that. Check out our tips below that will give you ideas that will ensure your comfort, safety, and enjoyment of the end of one of the toughest years in history.

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Furnace Maintenance is Important

Monday, February 10th, 2020

service-reminder-stopwatch“Better late than never.”

This phrase is one that many of us have heard over and over again. The reason being is because it’s pretty true. Better to do your taxes late than never, or better to get your car serviced late than never. The alternatives to these two examples are unpleasant to think about, we know. When it comes to your furnace, the alternative to never having maintenance done on your heating system is also unpleasant.

All too often we have encountered clients who skipped their annual maintenance services for their furnaces in Chicago, IL because it was too late. What they end up with, of course, is a furnace that didn’t operate nearly as well as it would have otherwise. Some people even ended up with expensive repairs that could have been avoided.

So, why schedule late maintenance? Because it is always the better option.

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The Most Important Furnace Repair to Make

Monday, December 30th, 2019

furnace-burners-smallThere are a variety of furnace repairs that you may need to make throughout your system’s service life. However, there is one particular repair need that is more important than most others simply because it involves the safety of you and everyone else in your household.

We are discussing the heat exchanger. The repair that may need to be made is if that heat exchanger has a crack in it. Not only can this issue create a problem with your furnace’s ability to heat your home but it can be fairly dangerous too.

If and when you encounter the need for furnace repair in Chicago, IL, whether it is a filter replacement or a cracked heat exchanger, make sure you work with e pro to get the job done right.

For now, however, let’s delve into why you should be concerned about a cracked heat exchanger.

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