ServiceMax Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

An Electric Furnace Is Still a Great Option

Monday, January 20th, 2025

It may seem like there’s a lot of positive information out there about heating with natural gas. If you’re wondering whether a gas or electric furnace is the right choice for you or if you should switch from one to the other, you’re going to need some solid intel. The fact is, an electric furnace has unique benefits, and it might be the best option for you. Let’s discuss it.

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Mid-Winter Checkup: It’s Time to Change the Air Filter!

Monday, December 23rd, 2024

Winter is well and truly underway. You’ve been using your heating system for a while now. Don’t forget that your furnace needs a little bit of love from time to time throughout the winter! While annual heating system maintenance must be done by a qualified professional, you should be doing regular air filter changes yourself. Here’s how!

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Are Gas Furnaces Hazardous? How to Keep Them Safe

Monday, December 9th, 2024

Sometimes, people are concerned that natural gas heating systems are dangerous. But natural gas is such a fantastic fuel source—affordable and domestically-produced—that we don’t want anyone to be unnecessarily worried! Should you be anxious about your furnace?

At ServiceMax, we’ve been keeping our neighbors warm and safe since 1998. We’ve got the knowledge and experience to answer your pressing questions about heating system hazards. The bottom line is that gas furnaces can be perfectly safe. They do require some special care, though! Here’s how to avoid gas heating risks.

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Does This Smell Mean I Need Furnace Repair?

Monday, November 11th, 2024

In our climate, you really want to know you can rely on your heat when the winter winds start to blow. When you first need it in the fall, and every time after that, you want warm comfort, not worries and repairs! One thing that can sometimes cause major concern is when a heating system makes an odd odor.

A furnace may smell for a variety of reasons. Does it signal a serious problem? Sometimes, it’s extremely serious. But other times, it’s nothing to worry about. How can you tell whether a smell from your heating system means you need furnace repair? Here are some helpful pointers for you.

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Spooky Sounds: Does Your Furnace Need Repair?

Monday, October 14th, 2024

Groans and wails. Something going bump in the night. What’s lurking in your basement or hiding in a closet? It’s not ghosts or ghouls. It’s actually just your heating system. Why is your furnace making all that noise? Does it need to be repaired? What could be wrong? We’ll explain, so you don’t need to fear your furnace.

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Have You Scheduled Your Heating Maintenance?

Monday, September 16th, 2024

In Chicago, winters are nothing to scoff at. You really need to be prepared. This means everything from sealing up drafty gaps to pulling out your hats and mittens from seasonal storage. But it also means getting your HVAC system ready. Have you scheduled your heating maintenance yet this fall? Make sure you do! Here’s what you need to know about it.

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Troubleshooting an Electric Furnace

Monday, March 4th, 2024

We’d like to make it very clear that an untrained homeowner should never attempt DIY repairs on an electric furnace. There’s immediate risk, like electrocution, that can be fatal. And there’s delayed risk, like leaving the furnace with a wiring problem that creates a fire hazard. Every time actual repairs are required, your electric furnace needs the help of a qualified professional.

Does that mean there’s nothing you can do when you’ve got a heating system issue? No! There are definitely things you can do. The problem might not be one that requires actual repair. A bit of electric furnace troubleshooting could get your issue resolved in just a few minutes.

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Boilers and Furnaces: Is There a Clear Choice for Homes?

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

It’s always a relief to know that you’re making the right decision. Especially when it comes to something that’s a big investment, like a heating system. It would be so good to know which one would definitely be the exact right choice.

Is there a correct choice when it comes to boilers and furnaces? Measured side by side, would one of them come out on top? It’s a little more complex than that.

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What You Can Do to Stop Your Boiler From Freezing

Monday, January 8th, 2024

Winter temperatures in our area are no joke. But it might sound a little bit like a joke when even your heating system might freeze solid! If your home is heated by a boiler, water is running through pipes, and wherever there are water pipes, freezing is a risk. Don’t let that happen! Here’s how.

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Why Your Furnace’s Burners Aren’t Coming On

Monday, December 25th, 2023

Ah, the comforting whoosh and hum of a running furnace. It’s a cozy reminder that your heat is working and your home is being kept nice and warm. But it’s also one of those things you don’t pay much attention to. It’s the absence of that sound that you really notice. What could be going wrong?

If your furnace is trying to start but not getting running, a variety of things could be occurring. Here are the most likely culprits if your furnace’s burners aren’t coming on. Chances are, it’s straightforward for a qualified professional to fix.

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