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Summer Is Almost Here: Is Your Air Conditioner Ready?

We are less than a month away from the official start of the summer season. Now is the time to take an inventory of your air conditioning system to see if it is prepared to make it through the heavy amount of labor it will need to perform all that through and into the fall. If you air conditioning system isn’t in good working order, you may end up with emergency repair calls and even an irrevocably broken AC. You don’t want that to happen, so here are a few steps to take to see that your air conditioner is ready for the coming season.

1. Schedule regular maintenance if you haven’t already

A spring inspection and tune-up for your AC should be a yearly ritual. Call on HVAC professionals for maintenance if you haven’t taken this step yet. Nothing prepares an air conditioning system better than having experts adjust, clean, and inspect it.

2. Have any lingering repair needs taken care of now

If you have noticed anything amiss with your air conditioner during the times you turned it on during the spring—or any problems you recall from the last cooling season—don’t procrastinate any further: call for repairs. In general, never wait on repair services for an air conditioner; as soon as you sense a problem, have technicians on the job of fixing it.

3. Replace or clean the air filter

Depending on whether you AC uses a permanent air filter or not, you should take the time to clean or replace the filter. This gives the air conditioner a clean start to the cooling season and will make sure that the proper amount of air is flowing in the cabinet.

4. Check the vents in the house

Make sure that all the room vents in your house are unobstructed. Move furniture, carpets, or other objects that might have been shifted during the season to block the vents.

To schedule air conditioning maintenance and air conditioning repairs in Wilmette, IL, contact the experienced professionals at Malek Heating & Cooling.

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