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 5 Ways to Save Energy This Summer

We all want to enjoy a comfortable and convenient home. But there is a price attached to using the energy needed to operate appliances, such as your home’s lights and air conditioner. The question that everyone is going to be afraid to answer though is how big that price tag is going to be.

There is more than one way to try to save energy while being able to still use all of your home’s appliances. We like to do everything we can to help ensure that you can save money and minimize energy use, which is why we’re offering these tips to help you out.

1. Use dimmers for your home’s lights.

Dimmers allow you to adjust the amount of energy going to a certain light fixture in your home. This means if you are doing some late-night reading and don’t want the lights at full force, you can dim them down by half or more. This added control comes with the benefit of using less energy in the long run too.

2. Use your ceiling fan to help you reduce your AC use

A ceiling fan won’t help to lower the temperature in the room but it can help you feel more comfortable in two ways. The first is that it can help to more evenly distribute the cool air that your air conditioner creates. The other way is that it helps with sweat evaporation, which helps any person in the room feel cooler. Both of these benefits can help you feel cooler and make it easier to raise the temperature on the thermostat, thereby reducing your energy use.

3. Switch over to LED lights

LED (light-emitting diode) lights are some of the most energy-efficient bulbs on the market today, especially when compared to incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs, especially ENERGY STAR-rated ones, can help you use up to 75% less energy and will end up lasting longer too.

Have a professional rewire any bad wiring

Working with an electrician in Skokie, IL is highly advisable because it helps prevent having to redo your wiring in the long run. Bad wiring can end up eating up extra energy because of electrical arcs and power surges, not to mention the fact that these issues can shorten the lifespan of your appliances. Avoid this by working with a pro to get your wiring done right to help keep things efficient.

5. Turn off any lights or appliances that aren’t in use

We know that it can be easy to forget to turn off lights, fans, or other appliances when you leave a room. However, we strongly suggest making a habit of this. When you leave a room, or even your house for that matter, for an hour or more, it literally pays off to make sure that electrics are turned off because it helps save a lot of energy.

These are just some of the different ways that you can help yourself save extra energy this season. The best part is that most of them can be helpful throughout the year!

One other big energy saver is always having a professional maintain and service your HVAC and electrical systems.

Whatever service you need, you can contact ServiceMax to get the job done right. We are here for you, 24/7.

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